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No matter what sport or physical activity a person is pursuing, it is vital that proper hydration be maintained. If a person loses too much water from the body, there can be serious repercussions. Those who become severely dehydrated run the risk of suffering from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Polo players are always outside playing or practicing. On particularly hot days, the polo player should make the effort to hydrate before, during and after a polo practice or match.

Why is Hydration Important?

If a polo player becomes dehydrated during the course of the match, that player will have a reduction in performance. The player may also experience cramping and an overall feeling of exhaustion.

As a match or training session transpires, a player’s muscles will begin to release heat from the energy being used. When this heat is generated, the player will begin to sweat, and the sweat evaporating on the skin is what helps to keep a person cool in hot conditions.

If water is not put back into the system as a polo player sweats, the body will begin to experience the symptoms of dehydration. When dehydration occurs during the course of a polo training session or match, it is difficult to get hydrated to a sufficient level to be as effective a player as one could be

How to Stay Properly Hydrated

Proper hydration should begin well before a match or training session begins. A couple of hours before a match, a player should drink 500 ml of water. About one-half hour before the match, a polo player should consume another 500 ml of water or a sports drink.

During the course of a match or training session, a player should drink 150 ml of sports drink roughly every 10 to 15 minutes.

Following a match or training session, a player should continue to drink water and sports drink regularly for the next six to eight hours.

Testing For Dehydration

After a match or training session, a player should test himself to make sure that he is properly hydrated. It is not difficult to perform a basic dehydration check.

If one’s urine is very yellow, that is a sign that there is not enough water in the body. A person with this color of urine should drink more water.